Legal Council for Health Justice (formerly AIDS Legal Council of Chicago) uses the power of the law to secure dignity, opportunity, and well-being for people facing barriers due to illness or disability.
We meet our clients where they are, as they are, tal como son, by providing efficient, personalized, and professional legal services. We listen to our clients’ concerns, assist them in developing a plan to address those concerns, and then put that plan in motion. We anticipate the evolving needs of our clients, studying the shifting forces that impact their lives, to ensure our service delivery meets their needs now and in the future. From our work with individual clients, we identify opportunities where education and system advocacy can be most effective to create meaningful, beneficial changes in our clients’ lives. We are most effective when we collaborate internally and with community partners to identify issues, craft solutions and change systems to benefit our clients. We hire and retain exemplary staff in order to ensure continuity for the agency, and we value maintaining a work/life balance for our employees. We are fiscally responsible, leveraging our resources and fiscal strength to efficiently provide immediate, specialized client service. We maximize our diverse funding sources to ensure the sustainability of our work.
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