The National MS Society is an organization whose vision is to create a world free of multiple sclerosis. The society strives to live by a set of core values which guide their work and actions on a daily basis.
Commitment – They are passionate in their commitment to people affected by MS. They strive to improve quality of life while searching for the cure.
Leadership – They are the leaders in the vision of a world free of MS. Through creativity and hard work, they accelerate the pace of scientific discovery, promote quality health care, stimulate community resources and services, advocate for favorable government policies, and are the world’s best source of information about multiple sclerosis.
Integrity – They are honest and straightforward in all that they do. They treat everyone with dignity and respect. They act responsibly with resources entrusted to them. They are accountable and act in accordance with these values.
Excellence – They set high standards of performance and service delivery, and work toward excellence in everything they do.
Teamwork – They advance the interests of people affected by multiple sclerosis through individual and team achievements. They recognize volunteers and staff as their most valued resources. They encourage collaboration across organizational boundaries.
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